About Me

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Rogers Family Blog

I realized something today (especially after Jeff made a comment to the same effect yesterday)....My Rogers's Family blog has turned more into a "Nicole" blog. Sorry. I need to post more about my kids and the family...that's what this blog is for, not for my "wanna be cool blogger" ramblings. Maybe I should start another blog. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Did I mention that I am addicted to blogging too??


Kelly said...

Better to be addicted to blogging than to be addicted to food!!! Besides isn't this a lot like writing in a journal and we are supposed to do that each day! I started one with letters to my sons. They think it is fun to read and they are suprised by some of my thoughts about them. I sure miss you today!

Ben Rasmussen said...

Please don't start another blog. I've got too many RSS feeds as it is.

Blog whatever you want here--don't worry about unnecessary restrictions or silly definitions of what this blog is supposed to be.

Besides, I haven't noticed any posts from Jeff about the family... :)

Natalie said...

We like your blog, it is not a "Nicole" blog. You are not a wanna-be writer and your posts are good. We will stay loyal readers.