About Me

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Any Day Now

Well, my due date is only 4 days away so technically I could have this baby any second. But that is not what my baby is thinking. My doctor's appointment was anything but encouraging on Wednesday. My doctor came in all ready to strip my membranes and "hopefully get my labor going" But when he checked me I was still only dialated to a 1 and the baby's head was so far up he couldn't get enough counter resistance to strip my membranes. "sorry", he said "don't worry we won't let you go later than a week past your due date." Oh thanks I thought. Needless to say I was very depressed the rest of the day. I know I'm going to have this baby on my birthday, which is Tuesday. A lot of people think that would be really neat, but not me. I want her to have her own birthday, (not for me, I wouldn't care, but for her sake). Jeff seems to think it will be tomorrow, it's a full moon. We'll see. I am frustrated and fat and misearable and uncomfortable and I whine every second of the day. So I need to have this baby just so poor Jeff won't go insane. Oh well, I know it's going to happen it's not like she can stay in there forever, but oh my goodness am I ready!!!!!!!!!!!


jenny said...

I don't know, maybe she will sstay in there forever. Maybe you will have to carry her through college. Maybe you will be literally walking her down the aisle when she gets married, because she will still be in your stomach. And when she gets pregnant, you will be doubly pregnant. Just watch out. She might think it is so cozy in there that she will never leave! ARGH!!!! J/K. She will leave your body soon... Just not soon enough, right???

Anonymous said...

My calendar says the "official" full moon is on your birthday.