About Me

Monday, June 30, 2008

Audrey's Big Day

So our sweet little Audrey had surgery today! She was such a trooper. We are very proud of her. She had tubes put in her ears, allergy testing, and her adenoids taken out. The surgery went perfect and she seems to be recovering well. As you may imagine she is a little out of it (they gave her some pretty good drugs) and she is very sensitive...her brother and sister's are not allowed to go near her, without her freaking out. But other than that she is the same old Audrey.
It is amazing how your heart aches for your kids though...truly aches, real physical pain. When they brought her out of surgery and she looked so small and fragile I just wanted to cry...and I did a little!


Our Crazy Happy Family said...

I am glad she is doing well...I know just how you feel...Lily has had eye surgery twice and it is so hard to send your babies off to surgery.

Ginny said...

Wish her well. Glad to hear it all went smoothly.

Tina said...

I'm so sorry she had to have surgery, but I'm glad to hear she is doing well.