I know, I know it has been forever since I have updated my blog...sorry everyone. Things have been so hectic. Since Anna's baptism we have been running around like crazy people.
Let's see...Back in the beginning of September we went to Jeff's son Kiernan's Birthday party. It was the first time our kids had ever met their half brother. Kiernan turned 12! It was a really cool experience and we had a ton of fun.
The week after that we went and saw Jeff's mom, who we haven't seen in almost 2 years and that was really nice too.
My kids started soccer. Elizabeth's team is hilarious, four year olds have a very hard time getting the ball in the correct goal. Anna is doing really well though and made her first goal last week. Dallin is in swim lessons and loves it.
School is going good for everyone. Elizabeth LOVES pre-school and Anna had all A's and 2 B's on her midterms. She is going on a very cool field trip today to see treasures from the deep at a museum in Dover.
I have had a gazillion baby showers to go to lately. I think everyone in the whole world is pregnant. Speaking of which...poor Kimberly (my sister), she had her ultra sound to find out what the sex of the baby was...and no luck, the baby was turned the wrong way and the umbilical cord was in the way, so now they are going to have to wait until February when she has the baby to find out. Sad, sad day. But...the baby was very healthy and that is all that is important.
Last weekend we had our very good friends Vicki and Val Christensen visit us from Rexburg, Idaho. They brought Maryanne who is 13 now and 5 foot 8 inches tall! And George who is a senior in highschool. It was so nice to see them and we did a lot of fun things. We went to D.C. and saw the air and space museum, the Jefferson Memorial and the D.C. Temple. We also went to the beach and I taught Maryanne how to make earings. Vicki re-taught me how to knit, and now I am making my first scarf. It was great to see them.
This weekend we went to Ben and Cyndi's house for Jake's baptism. I cannot believe how big our kids are getting. Jeff gave a great talk at the bapism. I had a great time. I was able to see quite a few people from my old ward and it was great to have the family all together.
Audrey is almost 3 months old! She is getting cuter by the second. At her doctor's appointment she weighed 12 pounds! She is in the 95th percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight. She is our biggest and tallest baby ever! The others were always in like the 10th percentile. She is smiling and cooing and starting to grab for things, and all those other super cool baby things.
Well that is that. Things should slow down for a little bit now. Wait, what am I talking about?? It is almost time for Halloween, and that means Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. I AM NOT ready for that. Oh well, maybe by January my life will have a moment of peace.